Monday, February 8, 2010

Fruits and Veggies F(e)ast Day 4

Day 4

still going, but really wanting something dry and crunchy!
  • yogi's healthy fasting tea
  • green smoothie: spring mix, braeburn apple, banana, blueberries, lemon
  • banana
  • blueberries
  • veggies with mashed avocada
  • hippiemom's citrus and cinnamon elixir
  • smoothie: braeburn apple, banana, celery, fresh squeezed oj, cinnamon = YUM!
  • more blueberries
  • more veggies with mashed avocado
    mrs. bigglesworth likes to come out with me while i take photos of our treats. here's our old lady-baby chillin' on the step, observing the white mess that has temporarily ruined her playground.


    "outta the way, it's frikkin freezin' out here!"



    1. Biggles is so cute! She is lucky to have you guys.How is the Fasting going? Is it tough? I don't think I could do it!

    2. I made one with cucumber/carrot/mint/lemon today! I end up drinking MORE water if I put favors in it.
      I am trying strawberries tomorrow ;-]


    3. dry and crunchy...yeah not happening with fresh fruits and veggies.

      love mrs. bigglesworth. she looks like my father-in-law's cat. pretty girl.

    4. Hang in there if you can :-)
      Mrs Bigglesworth is an amazing kitty xx

    5. Hi kelli... You are doing great with your fruit and veggie feast:) Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures of Mrs. Bigglesworth:)

    6. You could have some kale chips! Or some romaine lettuce. Not really dry, but crunchy!

    7. Good job on day 4. Mrs. bigglesworth is a smart cat.:)

    8. Congrats on 4 days! How are you feeling? Love the kitty pics.

    9. jamie - good ideas! i love kale chips.

      thanks mr. h. she thinks so too. =)

      thank you nikki! i'm feeling pretty good. i made it 5 days (john's still going). now i'm on a raw food kick, so the f(e)ast was a success! =)


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