Monday, March 4, 2013

what's new

(image via pinterest. i've been pinning. a lot. if you'd like, you can see my pinboards here.)

happy march, everyone! hippity hoppity, spring is on its way!=)

it was a calm but productive weekend. i've been dealing with an interstitial cystitis flare-up, and i'm learning more about this so-called condition and how i can heal it naturally.

the seedlings are growing nicely, and i found a great deal on yoga classes - 5 for $19!!! 

what's new with you?



  1. Happy March! Words cannot describe how happy I am to have spring on it's way :-) Glad to find you on Pinterest as well! I'm kind of addicted to it! The challenge is to implement at least *some* of what I've pinned!!! ;-)

  2. So very true, those words! :) I hope spring gets a move on. I'm so cold!

  3. i hear ya ladies! it's still cold out but the days are getting longer, hallelujah!=)

  4. so sorry about the diagnosis. that is very painful. hugs.

    1. thank you aimee. i've been dealing with it for over five years now, but it comes and goes. thankfully my plantain tea helps the pain and there are over the counter pills for when it's really bad, which it hasn't been in a few weeks. now it's just uncomfortable, but i think i'm getting it under control with the low oxalate diet i've got myself on. i will post an update soon. xoxo
