Monday, February 27, 2012

my next crochet project?

i'd love to try and make this 1970's beach cover-up.

the pattern is for sale on etsy. part of me says you can't do that! and another part says just go for it, it's worth a shot. it's really cute, isn't it? i've always wanted to crochet something to wear but never found a piece i loved as much as this. if i get the pattern down, maybe i could alter it for children and make some for my nieces.

yesterday i added this quote to my art journal/planner:

"dare to dream. leap and the net will appear."

perhaps my net will be crocheted.=)


  1. Sure! Go for it! :D I've crocheted a skirt when I was younger. It took a lot of time, but was fun.

  2. This is really lovely! I'll have to check it out and see if I can find a pattern for it.

  3. while you're at it, make one for my wife! ;)

  4. Do it! This would look great you you!

  5. It's you! do it! xoxo

  6. thanks everyone! i bought the pattern and whoa! i don't even know where to start. i'm looking into crochet lessons where someone will help me decipher it. as blogland as my witness, i will make that cover-up!=)

  7. I say go for it (oh, I see you did...good!). I have a lot of stitches to learn and projects I want to do, some that are overly ambitious for me but I still want to attempt. My crochet teacher (friend) recently moved out of state so I'll be youtube'ing and looking up tutorials to learn as I go. Good luck, Kelli! ;)
