you may remember when biggles knocked her mug of water on my laptop. three days in the shop and two hundred dollars later it was fixed. or so i t7houg7ht.
and t7his is w7hat 7happens w7hen i try to delete a 7 - 8h - it becomes an 8!
o7h t7he 7horror.=)
time to take a little break from blogging. i will be doing lots of gardening, dehydrating and jammin'. there may even be some fun outdoorsy things. i shall return to fill you in and catch up on all your blogs!
muth family farm's organic csa week ten:
watermelon, cilantro, fennel, romaine, green leef lettuce, rainbow chard, celery, raspberries, tomatoes, jalapeno, onion, squash, zucchini, eggplant, and a mix of cherry tomatoes
7hope you're 7having a 7happy 7hump day!
and t7his is w7hat 7happens w7hen i try to delete a 7 - 8h - it becomes an 8!
o7h t7he 7horror.=)
time to take a little break from blogging. i will be doing lots of gardening, dehydrating and jammin'. there may even be some fun outdoorsy things. i shall return to fill you in and catch up on all your blogs!
muth family farm's organic csa week ten:
watermelon, cilantro, fennel, romaine, green leef lettuce, rainbow chard, celery, raspberries, tomatoes, jalapeno, onion, squash, zucchini, eggplant, and a mix of cherry tomatoes
7hope you're 7having a 7happy 7hump day!