Sunday, March 11, 2012

early garden plan, seeds and pea-sprouting

happy early spring! things are coming to life in the garden and i can't wait to start planting. i did sow some spinach seeds two weeks ago but the weather was too chilly to really enjoy it.

here is the tentative garden plan:

we purchased some seeds from botanical interests. i've had great experiences with their plants in the past and all of their seeds are non-gmo. the package shipped quickly and they even included a free pack of poppy seeds!

we're going to try corn this year in the community garden. a neighboring plot grew gorgeous stalks last year. it's amazing how big those things grew in a raised garden bed!

 they're there, to the right of the shed

the local dollar store sells seeds 25 cents a pack, and i only got four. i think i have to go back.=)

it's time to get the pea seeds in the ground. in the past many of my pea seeds rotted, which is why i now sprout the seeds before planting.

after soaking the pea seeds 12-24 hours in glass jars, i top them with tulle and leave them upside down to drain. i rinse the peas every morning and night and plant in the garden when a tail/the root forms.

(you can use this same simple jar method to grow your own sprouts like alfalfa, mung bean and fenugreek.)

wow, did i really just write my first 2012 garden post? is it really here? someone pinch me!=)


  1. Excellent garden post, and yes 2012 garden time is here! You can grow awesome corn in raised beds, just make sure you keep them fed with nitrogen. I know you prefer all organic gardening, so just make sure the soil is super rich with compost and you should be fine.

    1. thanks kris! i can hardly believe it. that shouldn't be a problem since the soil is mostly compost. good to know!

  2. So happy for you that you are feeling Spring.
    We are frying down south and my garden is almost gone :( :(
    Happy gardening--I will just continue sprouting and growing grass--wheat grass that is, all Spring and summer long.
    Peace and Raw Health,

    1. yes you always have your indoor grass and sprouts!=)

  3. welcome to 2012 :) everyone seems to caught spring fever. can't wait to see more pictures of your garden plot.

  4. *PINCH!* Yep, it's here alright ;-)

    I love those dollar store seeds, and have really good luck with most of them. My forget me nots didn't do well, they were quite lanky and scraggly, and my dwarf zinnias got quite tall, but the sweet williams are heading into their third year, and they've been gorgeous. I always seem to get 100% germination with the American Seeds.

    1. ouch granny! did ya have to pinch so hard?=)

      oh that's good to hear! now i really need to go get more!

  5. Yay! Spring really is almost here! That's an excellent way to sprout and plant peas, I think I'll try it this year.

  6. I feel like we also need to start gardening soon, because the snow is slowly but steadily disappearing. It's so sunny outside and the birds are chirping. :)

    1. as soon as the weather is warm i say it's time to start playing in the dirt.=)

  7. My garden post is coming soon too! Yippy! Getting our mushroom compost today! I bought the same veg seeds and some others from Seeds of Change. :)

  8. Yay for spring and garden planning! I will live vicariously through you.

  9. I have a similar post to work on (I plan to be better about blogging about gardening this year!) and I'm excited for corn this year too! Sam picked out some fun things to grow this year so fingers crossed our weather cooperates.
