happy monday!
i hope you had a nice weekend.
yippee! thanks HippieMom!
Rules to receiving this award:
1. Post the award on your blog.
2. Present this award to others whose blogs you find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged you.
3. Tell those people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP, inform them of these guidelines.
4. Share "Ten Honest things" about yourself.
so here we go...
10 honest things about myself
1. i have a terrible sense of direction. i rely heavily on my navigator to get around. the first few weeks of high school i was lost. i had such anxiety over it that i'd stay after to "practice" my schedule, and i still have nightmares that i can't find my locker!
2. i failed my driving test the first time. the second time i did even worse! the instructor felt bad and passed me, but made me promise i wouldn't go anywhere i had to parallel park!
3. i was once hit on by a much older man with an accent who told me he likes girls with short heads. (i believe he meant hair, but who knows!)
4. while preparing food with coconut oil, i like to stop and rub the excess from the measuring spoon on my face, hands, and hair. is that gross?
5. my sweetie pie john and i decided that we are married on a plane ride to holland in march '08. hubs told the hotel worker we were on our honeymoon (well, we were!) and she upgraded us to a great big room with an amazing view!
6. i can name all 50 u.s. states in alphabetical order in less than a minute, thanks to my 5th grade music teacher. however, i'd probably encounter some difficulty locating them all on a map. =/
7. i taught first grade science in a low-income, environmentally-focused charter school for three years. my classroom was home to ants, crickets, mealworms, silkworms, moths, beetles, worms, and a tree frog named boris!
8. my favorite things to do are snuggle, play, and eat. (i'm a lot like my cat, mrs. bigglesworth. =)
9. i hate being cold but get really excited when it snows.
10. i feel hair is a nuisance and seriously consider shaving mine off. maybe this summer?
7 blogs i'm nominating