Monday, September 21, 2009

get off my back!

that's what two caterpillars on my tomato plants must be saying.

they are covered with cocoons made from parisitoid wasps. i was thinking of trying to use tweezers to carefully pick all the cocoons off but i know i should just let nature take its course. poor little 'pillars!

after 2 days the caterpillars were gone. i'm guessing the rain washed them off the stems and some birds or strong ants carried them off for dinner.


  1. OMG how weird!!! Keep us updated!

  2. Those "poor little 'pillars" will eat all the leaves of your tomato vines, leaving you with nothing but sticks. Good to see the wasps doing their good work! DIE, horn worms, die!

  3. The mother wasp must have literally thought the caterpillar was part of your plant. But letting nature take it's course in this case is probably best.

  4. Sorry about making another comment.... just wanted to let you know I mentioned you (and gave link love) on my blog today. Check it out if you can. I took one of your suggestions on my dehydrator question. Thanks!

  5. That has to be painful! These horn worms freak me out, I'd probably run if I found one on my plants :-)
